pub-5213417290591437 MOTIVATION ? IT'S RIGHT INSIDE YOU !: How to live happy life, claim your happiness

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

How to live happy life, claim your happiness

               If you stress over little things, your chances of reducing life span is high. Before regret live the life happily. 

1) Look at ones below you and feel grateful, look at ones above you and feel inspired.

2) One thing to forget is forget who behaves wrong with you and one thing to remember is death.

3) Don't dependent on anyone in this world. You are the architecture of your life.

4) Happiness not depend on external factors but on the choice you make every moment.

5) You are loved when you are born, you will be loved when you die. Only thing you have to do is in between birth and death you have to manage.

6) Do not bound to same routine. Be flexible. Spend time with family, friends that makes you happy.

7) Happiness and attitude are the choices. 

8) Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase,more it will go away. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit gently on your shoulder.

9) Break the habit of replaying negative experiences.

10) Happiness is contagious. When you surround yourself with happy, positive, supportive people, you will be become same.
11) Love what you have before life teaches you to love what you have lost. Enjoy where you are no matter what.

12)  Thankfullness generates contentment and satisfaction. Be thankful.

13) What others think is none of your business. Do your own work, stay focused.

14) Beauty is linked to our inner happiness.

15) Avoid why, don't, can't.

16) There are billions of people in the world. Everyone has different opinions, everyone has some strength, weaknesss. Perfectionism leads to high levels of stress. Accept the fact that no one is perfect.

17) No one cares about yoy, people care about themselves.

18) Happiness is a state of mind. It is constantly being love with yourself.


20) Life is a sandwich. Birth is one slice and death is another slice. What you put in between is up to you. Is your sandwich is tasty or sour ?

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