Now-a-days our daily lives are so busy that it's hard to keep up healthy habits. You want change too much and too soon. So you fail to develop healthy habits. So don't be hurry. First start with one.
You can't find happiness anywhere else. Happiness comes from the habits u build, from good habits. Habits that, even if they seem difficult in the present moment but if you stick to good habits, you will get postive benefits in the long run.
What are the habits that will make you happy ?
1) Let Live in the Present-
First thing you have to do is live in the present. Forget about past, as it goes back and don't overthink about future as we don't know what happens within seconds.
2) Invest Money
You must save atleast 20% of your monthly income. Suppose that it might not be yours and when extreme condition comes, only then you withdraw it.
3)Express gratitude-
Every single day ask yourself what do I have to be grateful for? and you get your answer.
As your day starts , try to keep an eye on pleasant things in your life. They can be eithor small or big things such as someone offers you a cup of tea, boss gives you promotion, someone gives you compliment, knowing that someone cares for you or by reading good comments on your post.
4) Meditation and Exercise-
4) Meditation and Exercise-
Meditation is best way to reduce your stress.
1. First close your eyes and calm down.
2. Now imagine a beautiful place or any happy moment.
3. Then slowly take a deep breath in through your nose.
4. And then slowly breathe out through your nose.
5. Repeat, do it for 10 minutes.
How you feel ?
Exercise release hormone that uplifts your mood. But If you suddenly throw yourself into a strenuous activity, you will probably just end up frustrated. So if you don't do anything everyday, then simply start your day with 5 minutes of stretching. If you have no time for exercise then atleast go for 15 min. walk daily.
Read every single day to increase your vocabulary and knowledge. Read anything you like it might be books, good posts on social media, motivational blogs.
Don't stick to something or someone. Forget, forgive. Don't live your life with hatred and anger. Offer forgiveness, drop the grudges. Take a Breathe and let go. I know sometimes it's not easy but if you practice this skill slowly you will get results.
7) Don't make gossips-
Don't judge people, don't talk anything bad before you truely know them. Don't make negative comments. Cut that habit.
8) Make your bed daily-
A lot of interpretations can be made from our little actions. How you make your bed can tell you how organized you are.
9) Control your junk food intake-
You all say it's not possible, I can't live without burger but have you an idea that majority of problems like depression, obesity, heart disease arises due to unhealthy food and unhealthy eating habits. If you want to live happy life forever, eat healthy foods that increases your immunity Avoid drinking caffeine.
Get up early in the morning and go to sleep early this will transform your life. If it has been difficult for you to get up at a particular time then set alarm one hour before the time you have to wake up. This makes easy to wake up at that particular time. Do try. It really works for me and I hope, will work for you too.
11) Laugh loudly ( It's much better than money ) -
You are alive so take some breathes and feel the air in your lungs. No one is responsible for your happiness except you.
12) Take some time alone and take charge of your health -
Spending time alone gives you a chance to relax, relieve your stress, worries. Take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Get quality sleep, eat well balanced diet, exercise.
Know that caring for yourself is caring for your family and inturn for the whole world. If you neglect taking care of yourself, you can't take care of others.
- See your dentist for an oral exam and follow up as recommended.
- Take care of your health conditions and see specialists as recommended.
Also read : Love yourself
13) Help someone else -
Do help someone in their problems. Help a blind man to cross a road, offer a sit to a pregnant lady while traveling in bus, give some food to the beggars. You will feel better by doing this. When such kind of opportunity comes in your path, don't think. Just do it.
14) Surround yourself with happy people -
If someone is smiling at you, probably that you will be aslo smile. If someone rude at you, probably that you will be rude. I want to tell you here spend your time with those people whose attitude you want to catch.
15) Be kind to everyone -
You never know what are their problems, how they struggle in their life, what's there state of mind so be kind to everyone.
16) Acceptance -
Don't point the blame at anyone else. There is no such thing as perfection. No one is perfect. Before pointing at anyone else in this world, have a look within you. You get your answer.
Happy people take responsibility of their mistakes and use that failure as an opportunity to change their lives for better.
17) Make time for the things which you like -
Hobbies are not only collecting stamps, reading besides that there are lots of things which you can do.
- Playing basketball could be a hobby.
- Baking new dishes could be a hobby.
- Making jewellery could be a hobby.
- Drawing, painting with watercolour could be a hobby.
- Gardening could be a hobby.
- Bird watching could be a hobby.
- Photography could be a hobby.
- Nature surfing, travelling could be a hobby.
- Singing, playing guitar could be a hobby and there are lot of hobbies.
Hobbies are for fun, as a career or for pleasure which makes you happy.
18) Don't compare your journey with others -
You have no idea what their journey is all about. Everyone is different. Everyone is good at certain stages of life, everyone has some good qualities. We all learn in our own way and we all shine at different times. Remember comparision declines your joy.
19) Invest in experiences -
Material things like sports car, big bungalow, fancy clothes might satisfy us for short term but happy moments, memories are what make us happy for lifetime. Spend ample time with friends and family. Material things depletes happiness, destroys our relationships, harms the environment.
20) Get a quality sleep -
Sleep in completely dark room. Switch off all the lights. If possible wear a sleep mask. Get a minumum 6 hrs sleep but its continuous without disturbances.
If you want to be happy start by doing the habits listed above. Start by doing one thing at a time then after mastering that habit, you can move on to the next. Let's end this blog with Aristotle's quote :
" A person becomes what they repeatedly do. Excellence is a habit not act. "
You need to form daily habits. If you don't start today, what makes you start tomorrow.
Thanks for reading. If you like it, share.
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